Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby Steps...

After much headache, advice, attempted code-tweaking and many hours of time that could have been spent in the great outdoors, I have finally made "my blog." YAY... kind of. Coming up a wee bit short of the masterpiece of my bloggy dreams, I have gained a whole new respect for the patience and persistence of bloggers (and any other dabblers in html or other code) worldwide. But... I guess we all start somewhere and at least I got it to stop cutting off all the outer edges of boxes, and got 3 columns as an added (hour long) bonus! Many thanks to advisors, especially: and

I've come to the realization that this is to be a work in progress, not the "create perfect blog, then post" scenario I had envisioned. I once found myself at the bottom of a well (literally) for the sake of a photograph...

Agreed, that could be considered a little crazy. But then so could... well, I have to save some good stories for later, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of later, a bit of what you can expect to find here should you grace my blog regularly:
-Professional (as well as outlandish personal) anecdotes good for chuckles, ponderings, & tears.
-Photographs for sale (and amusement!) not listed in my Etsy store.
-Previews of photo shoots and listings to come, and chances to suggest ideas/give input.
-Exposès of wonderfully talented sellers working to make a positive difference in our world.
-Occasional links to especially touching/motivational causes, stories, or individuals.
-And perhaps... "random other stuff" (I have to leave some room for artistic license). ;)

Random story:

I once climbed Ben Lomand Summit in Queenstown, New Zealand... barefoot. Studies show that 8 out of 10 Mom's don't approve (and 78% of statistics are made up right there on the spot) but... I had a scabbed wound on the back of my heel that started to give quite a lot of trouble about 1/4 of the way up the mountain so... If you have a chance to do something now that you may never get the chance to do again... 9 out of 10 people should DO IT, even if it means going barefoot! (As it turned out, I later earned an excellent T-shirt and admission to a spirited club as a result of my shoeless expedition).

I liken this experience to that barefoot climb... a long, hard, learning climb but a great journey! I thank you for swinging by and hope you'll come back from time to time to check in on my progress...