I was thinking about it
and I realized that, while I love a good thought-provoking or heart-warming read, sometimes I'm just in the mood to kind of "coast" on auto-pilot and look at pictures. Come to think of it, there is a whole genre of books based on this idea.

So... I'm going to dedicate one regular day each week to this concept (I'm entertaining the idea of "More Pics Mondays"). Do you like that? Is there some reason you know of not to do Mondays, but some other day? Definitely soliciting suggestions on this one.

For my first "Less Talk, More Pics" post, I've gone with the theme on everyone's mind (well, besides the Inauguration)... SNOW!
Idaho Snow, to be specific. I took these in December, hope you enjoy them. Please let me know which are your faves, as I'm considering listing a couple of these on Etsy.

And there are also those, of course, that are "just for fun." :)

By the way...I'm (obviously) still learning the formating, etc... here. Does anyone know of a more precise way to place pictures where you want on the post/page? Once I upload a photo, I get a choice of small, medium, or large and left, right or center. Can I have more specific control than that? I would love to be able to arrange photos three across on the same row, for example.

Wow, that was a fair amount of talk for a "less talk, more pics" post... well, next time! ;)
Wow! I *really AM* still learning this whole "formatting" thing. Once this was up, it looked NOTHING like the "preview" (text on top of pics, etc...) so I had to re-re-reformat it, and it still appears a bit chaotic. Bear with me, I'll get the hang of this thing, yet. ;)
These are beautiful !! The frozen all white tree is amazing !! and what a cute pup!! I think you have the formatting down wonderfully , very creative :)
your pictures are beautiful!! i love that you are giving back to nature! more pics mondays is a great way to start the week off! :)
Gorgeous winter shots Kenna! And I love the formatting too. Looking forward to seeing more. (I'm adding you to my blogs I follow list!)
Lupe, Zuppaartista, Julie-- Thank you! You know I love your work/blogs/both as the case may be, so your comments mean a lot to me. And glad my "chaotic formatting" turned out to be a hit. heh heh :)
Very nice--all the icy tree photos are so great! Thanks for stopping by my blog; I'm adding you to my follow list. Love blogs with pretty photography to share. :0)
Pfeiffer Photos
Beautiful blog and your photos are beautiful. Is that your dog. If so what a beauty. He or she seems so friendly.
As for our pics on Etsy FP, I have no idea. I just pray we get on it soon......
Hi Kenna,
I agree about the formatting - I have no idea why they bothered to have the preview feature! I love the all white tree middle right side :)
tank's for your compliments to see the world.I don't speek english, sorry, bat i wont tell tou :your pictures are music.I'm never see the U.S.A. , but now after the Obama election i like make a treep in your country.ciao grazie fabio
Love the pictures in your blog.
Esp. the trees, and landscape ones.
I wish I knew more about the formating, too. I seem to make a mess of my blog page, that's why I refuse to link anything to it, except a ball and chain to sink it beneath the water.--:)
Kenna, these really are great nature shots. Love them. I don't mind your "talk" at all. A nice mix of both talk and pics are good. Looking forward to more Monday pics.
Awesome captures! Thanks for sharing!
Like the way you've blogged about these snow pictures, all lovely. Very envious, I cannot believe that here in the UK we just had the worst snow in 20 years and I did't take one single snap shot. What was I doing!
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