Singing and dancing are not learned behaviors. They are innately encoded into our very being. We knew song and dance long before fire and the wheel... They are a basic part of us, and a powerful one. Watch any average toddler or small child for a while... just singing and dancing, for no particular reason. Now watch any average adult in our modern society... rarely singing or dancing, unless at an event specifically for singing/dancing, and only those who aren't embarrassed. How dull.
We don't learn to sing and dance... we UNLEARN singing and dancing. And it's sad. Singing and dancing are a natural expression and outpouring of internal joy-- not over some big event, but just everyday joy. Discouraging the expression of it discourages the very feeling. Ever wonder why so many people are disillusioned with life, despite all they may have acquired or accomplished? Perhaps this is one part of the puzzle.
As we grow and are taught how to exist in society, we learn to be embarrassed about singing or dancing unless we happen to be "good" at said activity (or we're alone). You're only encouraged to do so if you've acquired the proper training, techniques, tonalities, rhythm, etc... Children (and, mind you, many societies) sing and dance freely and often, just because it feels good, without any thought of "what people may think." We have "evolved" to a place and time where singing and dancing in public are largely discouraged.
But what if they weren't?
*Imagine* what a joyful place this world would be if we never learned to stop happily singing and dancing... better yet, you don't have to imagine, you can click here and SEE (just a couple minutes of your life, & well spent-- something about it just feels good).
...and if you have a strong enough sense of self-actualization to overcome years of conditoning, don't just watch-- DANCE!! Or SING!! Or both and FEEL it for yourself... Remember how to dance and sing as a child... and then, do it. If you're a parent, encourage that happy little out-of-tune voice and those spastic dance moves!
And YES, you will likely face challenges & awkward moments like these, but those only stop you if you let them.
"With courage and persistence, your Imagination can become your Reality."