Fast forward to last night... I had just finished happily whipping up this healthy little yoghurt and fruit dessert and decided to check messages n' such before calling it quits on the computer for the day...

What a pleasant surprise. A message from Tins and Treasures said she had been inspired by my nature photos and the results of that inspiration were shown on her latest blog post. You really have to go to her blog and see the post to understand my excitement. I was soooo pleased to see how my photos had influenced a positive change for her... shifting from being sick of the snow to seeing the beauty in it, and even taking time out to capture that beauty. I get these sort of compliments from time to time, and they are, I think, the most touching.
I'm *always* grateful for anyone who takes time out of their day to compliment my work, always!!! And to hear that my work inspired positive action is... just so uplifting and encouraging... not only did her post show me that I'm actually helping inspire a greater appreciation of nature (even in the end of a loonnng winter!) , but at the same time I was able to help someone FEEL GOOD because of the process.
Life... is... good. I hope YOU have a wonderful day, inspired by the beauty around and within you!
Your photos always impresses me. And I don't say it unless I really mean it. You deserve your praises. ^_^
Aww... thank you so much, and I, too, *really* mean it. :) Thank you for taking the time to look and to tell me-- I appreciate it more than you probably know.
It is so nice to read about this connection between 2 persons created by the love of nature! I saw the picture, they are trully beautiful and peaceful.
bravo dahling!
what a great tribute to you!
you are always an inspiration! :D
You Win!! Your work Is an inspiration :)
Now how to get some dessert over the dsl line ;) hehehe looks yummy!
Thanks for the link to send folks over to see our pretty snow. I hope everyone knows that I am a novice photographer...just snapping pictures out my bedroom window! Just imagine if you were here to capture those trees with your camara and your talent...
Take care ~Natalie
kenna, your photos speak louder than a thousand voices--:)
I think thats fantastic that your creative inspiration, something that can carry you personally along in the beauty of life, has also touched others (I certainly know it touches me, delights me and always inspires me to look at my surroundings) Thats the highest compliment to a creative person, one I always love to share and always appreciate when it's directed my direction. Wishing you well and wondering when I can come over to partake in some of that dessert! It looks divine
Thank you all sooo much! You're bringing smile after smile to my face. I'm so grateful to YOU!
Klaire-- fitting that my photos are "loud" (like me- ha ha)!
The dessert was easy- plain yoghurt mixed w/ honey, bananas & strawberries.
Also a big thank you & welcome to new followers. I don't know if it's me being silly or google/blogspot's silly set-up, but can't find links to go to for several of you. If you would like me to visit & have a blog, just leave it in a comment. :)
This is awesome, Kenna! And not surprising to me at all - your work and enthusiasm are incredible and inspiring. I totally get your description of stopping those you are with to show them the things you spot! I once completely frustrated two of my best friends while walking through a park in Vancouver. I had never seen a black squirrel! Keep up your wonderful, meaningful work! :), allie
Hi Kenna, long time no hear from, glad to hear you're still inspiring people with you nature pictures, best wishes and much success to you. Take Care!!
I loved reading this. I just laughed out loud alone at my computer when you said other people do not react the same way when you point at things. That is a major reason why I found photography so appealing too :) You can tell just from meeting you over the internet that you are a sincere person who does not take life or other people for granted. Thanks you for always having positive words to say and beautiful images to share with the world. Your kind words have helped me get through a tough day recently. :)
Your dessert pic makes me hungry! It looks yummy! :) Greetings to you, this is my first visit and I'm sure I'll be visiting here more often in the future! ;)
Hi Kenna, Thanks for the comments and you are always welcome to see the beauty of Sri Lanka!
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