I love the vibrant energy and life of spring and, though all the trees have not *quite* donned their summer dress of leaves yet, spring is here!

I've been drinking coffee to singing birds. The flowers are sweetening the air, beckoning us to come pay tribute to the rejuvination of life and its most splendid colors!

Ahhh spring... May I remember always to marvel in your magnificence, whilst I look forward to the summer morsels your flowers will yield.

Mmm strawberries!! I do love the spring time colors and feelings! It's so refreshing!
OK this post was so wonderful - thanks for sharing the spring colors, flowers and energy!! Happy Monday to you --- :)
Beautiful pictures! Spring is awesome!
Wonderful pictures, great blog!
Hey!Thank you very much for the award!! I'ts my first one, so I have to celebrate it! I will see how I can do that in my blog, because I'm not a super fan of continuing it, but I promise to try it hard!!
By the way, I love this photos, specially the tree one and the strawberries! I love them, we use to pick up them and do lots of things: ice cream, jam, coulis...
But we have to wait a little bit, because in Geneva is still really cold and doing a crazy weather!
Thanks again my dear, you are so sweet!
Thank you for your kind comment. I find your blog very interesting, I like it very much and your pictures are amazing. I'm glad I found you...
It is still pretty cold and grey here in the midwest, thank you for posting your lovely spring colors! Lets us know we are not too far away from those lovely colors. :)
really great shots kenna! beautiful! :D
Kenna love the tree. Beautiful!
I also tagged you!Check out my blog!
Kreativ Blogger rules:
List 7 things you love and then pass the award on to 7 people...tagging them and letting them know they won!
Great music, enjoyed your blog! Come visit:
I just found you on blogcatalog, btw, Alice
Beautiful, vibrant photographs. They make me ache for spring. We had some gorgeous warm days in the 60s and 70s, but now it's back to freezing so those spring flowers may be a little late arriving here. Thanks for giving me a peek.
Truly amazing photos! And belated congrats on those awards. Judging by the quality of your photos, your awards were well merited!
I can't wait...the pics of flowers and strawberries...
Did you see our snow this week?
Take care ~Natalie
THANK YOU all for your wonderful compliments!! Is it kinda like any food tasting sooo good when you're really hungry? I know we've all been (and some continue to be) a bit hungry for spring colors and warm, energetic days... ;)
With that in mind, I'll post some more spring colors (flowers) again next Monday to "tide your over" until spring arrives for you. :D
If it has already arrived for you, you're still welcome to revel in them anyway! ;)
Hi, Kenna. I'm looking forward for your new spring flowers pictures.I think you're right , everyone likes spring flowers, they are so pretty, delicate and in the same time daring fighting against the wind and the cold.I love them, especially May flowers in my country(Romania):jasmine,liliac,lily-of-the-valley,hyacinth,narcissus, tulips and pansies -yours is very,very beautiful.
And thank you for your nice comment.Can't wait till next Monday....lol....
Ohhh I'm teetering on jealous. Spring has come to your piece of the south, while you're old Northern stomping grounds are being slow and relaxed about showing us warmth, color and Spring herself.
This post gives me hope that spring will show up in all her glory and SOON.
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